Kashmir Globe focuses on breaking news related to human rights abuses, health and policy issues, reform initiatives, and the ongoing conflict between Jammu and Kashmir. Their reporting often delves into the human side of these issues, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of the region’s challenges. One of their recent works, for instance, explores the impact of arbitrary travel bans on journalists and activists, highlighting the suppression of freedom of expression and movement in the region. Kashmir Globe is is also known for their in-depth analysis of policy changes and their effects on the ground. They have covered significant developments such as the abrogation of Article 370, shedding light on its implications for the region’s governance and the rights of its residents. Their work is not only informative but also serves as a call to action, advocating for reforms and policy changes that prioritize the well-being of Kashmiris.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right...